Established in 2006, Nass Marine Services Co. W.L.L. is specialised in building small to medium sized vessels and ship repairs.
The highly qualified team, have extensive experience in major shipbuilding and ship repairs by reputed classification societies such as the American Bureau of Shipping.
Nass Marine has a skilled workforce of 400 craftsmen who can Produce up to 18 barges a year and a 520 to 700-ton capacity Marine Jetty for Mooring and Repairs allowing the company to build and deliver units with up to 70 m in length.
The Company can also deliver upgrades and repairs that are engineered for maximum utility, within customers’ time frame, budget and operating environment.
The specialised builder of vessels and barge has expanded and revamped its facility in 2018 and now able to increase annual building and repair capability to forty barges and vessels instead of the current eighteen, in addition to providing maintenance, periodic repair and upgrade services to all customers.